Spirit Program
SPIRIT is a school-based prevention program designed to reduce substance use and promote resilience at any grade level. To do so we use evidence-based substance use curricula such as Too Good for Drugs and PeaceBuilders. We have been a presence in Carthage School District for 20 years and have built a wonderful partnership between staff and administration. “One thing I have really liked about the program is it fits so well with our guidance program that’s in place and the philosophy of our district.”- Carthage School District principal. We provide curriculum and technical assistance to the school district, as well as a biannual financial incentive to carry out SPIRIT programming.
SPIRIT is funded by the Department of Mental Health: Division of Behavioral Health and is evaluated by the Missouri Institute of Mental Health through a yearly survey.
For more information on SPIRIT implementation in your district contact Jennifer Callahan at jcallahan@cpozarks.org